Adult Forum
On Sunday morning during the Sunday School hour adults gather in the church basement for coffee and conversation. The discussion focuses on an article in the current “The Lutheran” magazine. Occasionally there are special programs and guest speakers. You are invited to join in the relaxed and congenial conversation. It is not necessary to have the magazine or to have read the article.
The adult forum follows the Sunday school schedule, meeting at 9:30 from September to May beginning the second Sunday after Labor Day and ending when school lets out in May. They do not meet during holiday breaks when the Sunday school does not meet.
Inter-Generational Sunday School
During the school year, the adult and CHERISH Sunday Schools come together for an Inter-generational Sunday School. This is a new program introduced in the 2018-2019 school year but both youth and adults look forward to it as we bring together the wisdom of the elder and the wonder of a child.
On Sunday morning during the Sunday School hour adults gather in the church basement for coffee and conversation. The discussion focuses on an article in the current “The Lutheran” magazine. Occasionally there are special programs and guest speakers. You are invited to join in the relaxed and congenial conversation. It is not necessary to have the magazine or to have read the article.
The adult forum follows the Sunday school schedule, meeting at 9:30 from September to May beginning the second Sunday after Labor Day and ending when school lets out in May. They do not meet during holiday breaks when the Sunday school does not meet.
Inter-Generational Sunday School
During the school year, the adult and CHERISH Sunday Schools come together for an Inter-generational Sunday School. This is a new program introduced in the 2018-2019 school year but both youth and adults look forward to it as we bring together the wisdom of the elder and the wonder of a child.

WELCA Circles
Calvary’s Women of the ELCA organization consists of three “circles” or groups of women who gather each month for fellowship and Bible study. You are invited to join them.
- Ruth Circle meets on the second Wednesday at 9:00 am - alternating between the beautiful coffee shops in the community - Gathering Grounds in Osceola and 4th Street Coffee Shop in Stromsburg
- Miriam Circle meets on the second Thursday at 9:00 a.m.
The Calvary Women of the ELCA coordinate many services of the congregation; the annual ice cream social, serving lunch at funerals, visitation, decorations, coffee on the lawn following summer worship.
Men's Bible Study
Several men meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. for 45 minutes of Bible study. Their discussion is informal lead by members of the group from an outline in the Men’s Study Bible. You are invited to join them. Wayne Johnson is the coordinator and can be reached through the church office.
Join the Conversation
Join the Conversation is a weekly Bible study that focuses on the Biblical texts that will be used in worship on the coming Sunday. Currently Join the Conversation will not be meeting.
Meals from the heart
Meals from the Heart is a program started in 2022. Seeing a need for families who may be food insecure or have emergencies come up that they need help with a meal, a group of 10 members created Meals from the Heart. They meet monthly or bi-monthly and vacuum pack and freeze meals in individual or family portions. This program is just getting off the ground, but already many families have been served. The program is not intended to replace the Senior Service of Meals on Wheels or the local back pack program, but instead enhance those programs in the county.
Evangelical and Outreach
The Ev and Outreach committee has several active programs.
The first is the Food Pantry where throughout the month, members may leave food pantry items at the church. Each month items are alternately distributed to Genesis House in David City, and the Blue Valley Community Action in Osceola.
Bi-annually in the spring and fall, the committee organizes a highway litter pick-up along 2 miles of highway 39. This project started as a "God's Work, Our Hands" and we have continued serving the community for almost 10 years.
The church has a monthly newsletter, and the Ev and Outreach committee contributes an article each month, entitled "Meet the Member" as they spotlight members, including their picture and a look at who they are!
For the past 2 years, the Ev and Outreach committee, with the generous help of the congregation, have worked with the schools and the County Meals on Wheels program to provide a holiday meal on the 23rd of December. Bags are assembled and include a 4 pound ham, prepared mashed potatoes, vegetable and pumpkin pie. Members deliver these bags throughout the county. Last year 67 bags were delivered to 30+ families.
The first is the Food Pantry where throughout the month, members may leave food pantry items at the church. Each month items are alternately distributed to Genesis House in David City, and the Blue Valley Community Action in Osceola.
Bi-annually in the spring and fall, the committee organizes a highway litter pick-up along 2 miles of highway 39. This project started as a "God's Work, Our Hands" and we have continued serving the community for almost 10 years.
The church has a monthly newsletter, and the Ev and Outreach committee contributes an article each month, entitled "Meet the Member" as they spotlight members, including their picture and a look at who they are!
For the past 2 years, the Ev and Outreach committee, with the generous help of the congregation, have worked with the schools and the County Meals on Wheels program to provide a holiday meal on the 23rd of December. Bags are assembled and include a 4 pound ham, prepared mashed potatoes, vegetable and pumpkin pie. Members deliver these bags throughout the county. Last year 67 bags were delivered to 30+ families.